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family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How to Cut Down on False Alarms from Rochester Home Security Systems

False alarms are potentially problematic for for your home’s defense. These events could become costly and facilitate a rise in your home insurance payments, but they don't have to reach that point! You can reduce false alarms from your Rochester home security system by being certain that everyone in the family is trained on it. Best practices like setting up text alerts to your smartphone when a sensor is tripped, integrating home automation, and picking an alarm company that uses 24/7 monitoring will help prevent first responders from going to your residence as a result of a false alarm.

Instruct Occupants On Your Security Features

When you have adolescents present, ensure they are instructed on how to operate the alarm system and they are aware that it's a critical element of your overall safety. If you keep pets in the house, be sure to show them what will occur if the alarm sounds - most home defense systems emit a loud warning signal out of audio components when an alarm is triggered.You can teach your pets to stay calm.

Set Up Mobile Alerts So You Are Able To Assess If You’re Experiencing A False Alarm

A cell phone warning won't prevent a Rochester false security alarm, but it might keep first responders from hurrying to your house. Innovative home defense plans like those from ADT will transmit messages right to your cell phone from the integrated security application when your system is activated. It's a nice benefit when you're not on site to know right away when your alarms go off. If you have security cameras, you can view the footage and tell your alarm system if there’s a potential problem.

Automation Is A Smart Choice To Disarm Your Home Defense

Utilizing home automation with your security package is a great way to minimize false alarms. One of the main reasons for false alarms in Rochester is owing to the fact that the system is unwittingly left on when you’re in the house. Accidentally open a door, and the alarm triggers. But you have the ability to disarm your system at specific times of the day, such as when your youngsters get off the bus after school. If you have an automated element like a smart lock, you can also instruct your alarms to disarm whenever the lock is initiated with the correct code.

Rely On 24-7 Monitoring As A False Alarm Backup

The best way to minimize false alarms is by choosing a security system supplier that offers 24-hour monitoring in Rochester. These companies have staff that will check out your triggered alarms if they notice a normal level of activity at your residence. At that point, they will call you to confirm you aren’t experiencing a false alarm. If it is, they will reset your alarm system. If there is any indication that you have an intruder, your monitoring agent will advise law enforcement.

Get An ADT Alarm System To Cut Down On False Security Alarms In Rochester

It is important to remember that a home security system can’t completely stop crime, but it can help ensure your family’s safety and better secure your property. ADT plans also include integrated automation and home monitoring that plays a critical role in preventing false alarms. Dial (585) 310-4555 or fill out the form on this page and one of our property protection experts will guide you in customizing your security system.